First Recorded Glasscocks in U.S.
The earliest recorded emigrants from England to Virginia were Richard and Robert GLASCOCKE, who were headrights of Richard BENNETT (later Governor of Virginia) to settle on his 2,000 acres of land at "Bennett's Welcome" on the Nansemond River in Virginia.Robert apparently brought 4 servants with him and was on that account entitled to 200 acres which he selected in what is now Elizabeth City County, Virginia. He was a Puritan and his house was used for church meetings until a convenient church could be built-- about 1640 (VA Mag of Hist and Biog. Vol. 1 pg 327). As a result of the unsatisfactory government of the colony and incessant Indian outbreaks, they removed to a city near Annapolis, Maryland, then called Providence, Maryland. Robert died before 1646.Robert is listed as a Master who purchased one Peter RIGGLESWORTH, who arrived in Virginia in April of 1637 from London on the ship, "Tristam and Jane." (Ship Passenger Lists -- the South (1538 -1825) by Carl BOYER.
First Credited U.S. Glasscock
THOMAS GLASCOCK (1620-1663) Just what forces combined to cause Thomas to leave England are unknown. We do know that England was in those days a very distraught country, for the Great Rebellion--the bitter struggle between King Charles I and Parliament for control of the country--was in process. England's Civil War began in 1642 and the battle between the Royalist Cavaliers, who supported the reigning Stuart king, and the Roundheads, who supported Parliament and Oliver Cromwell for political and religious control of the country soon split the nation into two armed camps. 1643 was a bloody year in England and, as in all wars, many people suffered great hardships. Some of them left the country and emigrated to America--and among these emigrants was Thomas Glascock. Perhaps he was a disillusioned Cavalier. During the war a considerable number of these Royalists came to Virginia because it held steadfast to the Crown and the old reign of Charles I under the rule of Sir William Berkely. Berkely, a rich young Royalist, had been commissioned governor of Virginia by Charles and arrived in 1642, about a year ahead of Thomas. Perhaps he left for religious reasons for believers of the established Church of England were at the threats of Puritans and reformers, and vice versa during these dare days. Or perhaps he was just an adventurous younger son who wanted to try his luck as a Virginia planter. One of Thomas' 1643 patents was for 130 acres in Warwick River County "parallel to his own and land of John Leyden and adjacent to land of Thomas Davis" for transporting three persons to Virginia from England. John Leyden's patents, issued in 1636, are for land on the "Old" Poquoson River, the "New" Poquosin River, and the James River. Thus it appears that Thomas' 1643 patent was for land on the lower part of the peninsula between the James and the York Rivers and situated near the James River somewhat between Newport News, Hampton and Yorktown, now mostly a heavily populated city area. On August 30, 1643, Thomas also patented 200 acres "a mile and a half upon the South side of Peankatanke River, adj Christopher Royce" for transporting 4 persons to Virginia. Two of the four were himself and his wife Jane. We are sure that he lived on this patent, for in 1652 he was appointed Justice of the Peace for the Peankatanke area by the Burgesses, sitting at Jamestown. The Peankatanke River is north of his other patent, in York County on the peninsula between the York and Rappahannock Rivers, and it flows into the Chesapeake Bay just a few miles below the mouth of the Rappahannock. The first patent on the Peankatanke was granted in 1642 and only four others were granted before Thomas', so we know that he was one of the first settlers in the area. Settlement started around Jamestown, moved up and down the James River, and then spread further north and south along the Tidewater coast as Indians were driven back and more settlers arrived. John Leydon (or Laydon) is listed in the records as an "Ancient Planter" who arrived in Virginia before 1616. In fact, he arrived with John Smith and the first settlers, at age 27, on the "Susan Constant" in 1607. He married a maid who came in 1608, and the wedding was the first one solemnized in English America. He survived the massacre of 1622 and by the time of the muster of 1624/1625 only one other man is listed as a survivor of the first settlement of 1607--so he was apparently the oldest and the last of the original settlers. If Thomas did live next to him in 1643, the 63 year old Leyden and his wife must have had some interesting tales to tell of the suffering and trials of the first 36 years of the colony! Thomas' other neighbor, Thomas Davis, was the son of James Davis, also an "Ancient Planter" who had died before 1633. We can only speculate about what contact the Glascocks had with these earliest settlers at the Jamestown settlement, but it is interesting to learn that Glascock's patent was apparently between the patents of these revered "Ancient Planters." On June 28, 1652, Thomas Glascock patented 600 acres in Lancaster County, 200 acres of which were granted upon his surrendering "200 acres on Peankatanke River formerly granted." This transaction proves that the Glascocks arrived in Lancaster County in 1652. Here the Glascocks set about the task of building a home and clearing land for tobacco. The typical Virginia dwelling of that day was a frame one and a half story building, with brick underpinning and high chimneys at either end. Nails were so hard to get that settlers often burned their homes when moving in order to get nails to start a new house. After the house was built, the forests had to be cleared. After the trees were cut, the stumps had to be dug up and the soil broken up with hoes before the tobacco could be planted. Probably Thomas had some of his headrights or indentured servants help his sons and him with this hard labor. So their tobacco plantation began to grow and Thomas established a way of life as a Rappahannock River planter that was to continue for generations in the Glascock family. Little else is known about the lives of Thomas and Jane. It is probable that Thomas died before June 3, 1667, for on that date his son, Gregory, was in possession of the Morattico Creek land which had been granted to him in 1662. No record of his or his wife's death; Thomas Glascock's will is presumably in lost will book (1692-1709) of Richmond County. Commissioner, Warwick County, 1652. (Virginia Colonial Abstracts Volume 26, York County, 1648-1657 by Fleet, page 43).
PATENT--THOMAS GLASCOCKE, 130 acres Warwick River County, August 30, 1643, page 902. Parallel to his own and land of John Leydon and adj Thomas Davis. Transportation of three persons: Thomas Trade and Bestney Brookes. SAME--200 acres, a mile and a half upon the South side of Peankatanke River, adj Christopher Reeve, August 30, 1643, page 903. Transportation of four persons: Thomas Glascocke, Jane his wife, William Charles, James Allen.
PATENT--THOMAS GLASCOCK, 600 acres Lancaster County, 28 July 1652, page 195. Upon North side of Morratico Creek, running to land of Nicholas Ferman, etc. 200 acres by rights of a former patent, surrendered; and 400 acres for transportation of eight persons: Fra. Brumly, Alice Bird, Henry Cosham, John Barrom, Thomas Dison, John Ingram, James Ororke, Thomas West; Sarah Parsons land due for. Note: The patent surrendered is dated 30 August 1643 for land in Peyanketanke.
PATENT--MR. THO. GLASCOCKE, 280 acres upon North side of Rappahannock River, 9 January 1662, page 140. Upon head of Morattico Creek, bounding upon land of Nicholas Farmer, Mr. Thomas Stephens, and the land he now lives on. Transportation of six persons: John Randall, Ann Scarton, Richard Gates, John Alexander, Patrick Highlander, Ann Rowse (or Rowze).
PATENT--THOMAS GLASCOCK, 600 acres Lancaster County, 11 March 1662, page 309, (286). NorthWest side of Morratico Creek, about a mile up the same, beginning on NorthEast side at the mouth of NorthNorthWest br. of Morratico Creek &c. SouthEast parallel to the branch upon the land of Nicholas Ferman(or Forman) &c. Renewal of patent dated 20 July 1652.
PATENT--THOMAS GLASCOCK, 280 acres on North side of Rappahannock County on the head of Morratico Creek, 4 April 1678, page 630. Adjacent Nicholas Farmer and Thomas Stephens. Transportation of six persons: Joane Wade, John Butcher, Richard Vessi, Edmond Symons, Anthony Billington, John Sharpe.Guildhall Library, City of London Libraries, London EC.2, MS 10, 091/16:17 Mo Jun 1634..."This day appeared personally Thomas Glascock of ye parishe of St. Mary Whitechappell in ye county of Middlesex, joyner and a batchelor aged about 23 yeares and at his owne government & alledgeth that he intendethto marry Jane Juet of ye same place, maiden aged about 23 years & att her own government, her parents being deceased & that there is noe lawful lett or impediment by reason of any precontract, consanguinity, affinity orotherwise, to hinder this intended marriage, he made faith and desired license for them to be married in ye parish churche of St. Mary Staynings, London. (Signed) Thomas Glascock(Signed) Row: Jennings--(Rowland Jennings, surrogate of the Vicar General of the Bishop of London)"(See The Glas(s)cocks of England and America by Rev. Lawrence A. Glassco on page 231 for a copy of thelicense). By signing his name Thomas shows he was of the Gentry class. Thomas had moved to VA with his family by 1643 because on 30 Aug 1643 he received two land patents. From the patents we know his wife's name was "Jane". The reason for moving might have been the 1642 Civil War in England instigated by a power struggle between King Charles I and the Parliment led by Oliver Cromwell.One of the 1643 patents was for 130 acres in Warwick River Co. "parallel to his own and land of John Leydenand adjacent to land of Thomas Davis" possibly for transporting three persons to Virginia from England. This was for land on the lower part of the penninsula between the James and York Rivers and situated near the James River some what between Newport News, Hampton and Yorktown. John Leyden is listed in the records as an "Ancient Planter", one who arrived in Virginia before 1616. He arrived with John Smith and the first settlers, atage 27, on the "Susan Constant" in 1607.On 30 Aug 1643, Thomas also patented 200 acres "a mile and a half upon the south side of Peankatanke River, adjacent Christopher Boyce" for transporting 4 persons to Virginia, which included Thomas and his wife, Jane. In 1652 he was appointed Justice of the Peace for the Peankatanke area by the Burgesses, sitting at Jamestown.The Peankatanke River was north of his other patent, between the York and the Rappahannock Rivers. It flows into the Chesapeak Bay just a few miles below the mouth of the Rappahannock. The first patent on the Rappahannock was granted in 1642, and only four others before Thomas'. The south shore of the Peankatankewas inhabited by the Chiskiake Indians. It is believe that the Glascocks lived in this area for about 9 years. On 28 Jul 1652 Thomas was granted a patent for 600 acres about 30 miles north of his Peankatanke land, on Morattico Creek in Lancaster Co. of VA. Two hundred of these acres were received in exchange for the surrender of his first patent for the land on the Peankatanke River and the remaining 400 acres were for transporting eight more persons to the colony. On 9 Jan 1662, Thomas received another patent for 280 acres adjoining the land he had at the head of the Morattico Creek for transporting 6 more persons. It is most likely that he moved his family north onto theMorattico Creek property during the early 1660s. Morattico Creek was named for the "Moraughtacund Indians"." Thomas Glassocks's land, in Lancaster Co., is on a narrow seaboard peninsula of VA called the 'Northern Neck'which is bounded on the east by Chesapeake Bay, on the north by the Potomac River (River of Swans), and on thesouth by the Rappahannock River (Quick Rising Waters). Only fifteen to twenty miles wide, it runs inland between the great rivers for about a hundred miles. The Glascock land is located on the point of land at the junction of the Morattico and the Lancaster (formerly also called the Morattico) Creeks where they flow into the Rappahannock River, and is thus surrounded on three sides by water. The land is situated uphill from the littlefishing village of Simonson. The East Creek (Lancaster Creek) is the boundary between Richmond and LancasterCounties... This area was one of the most densely inhabited parts of Powhaten's Empire, and the hardest fighting must have occurred along the Rappahannock near the 'Indian Banks' area."(Source: The Glas(s)cock--Glassco Saga, by Lawrence A. Glassco)The Thomas Glascock Family (Thomas Glascock & Jane Juet & children - the immigrants) have their family name inscribed on the American Immigrant Wall of Honor on Ellis Island in New Jersey (near the Statue ofLiberty - next island in New York).The family appears on Panel # 706 which was just recently installed in late December, 2003. I have chosen to have the Thomas Glascock Family - our immigrant ancestors of about 1643- to be honored on the Wall of Honor at Ellis Island. Although our Glascock family did not immigrate through Ellis Island, this wall has been chosen to honor immigrants to the USA. The wall contains the names of President George Washington's great grandfather and John F. Kennedy's great grandparents among others.
If you travel to Ellis Island be sure and see the wall where Thomas Glascock & Jane (Juet) Glascock & children are honored.
Thomas Glasscock Brigadier General
Revolutionary War Georgia Militia General, US Congressman. A General during the American Revolution. Served in the US Congress from Georgia. Served under Count Pulaski during the Revolution in Georgia and also in the Dragoons in Virginia. Twice a POW under the British during the Revolutionary War. Given title by President George Washington as "Marshal of Georgia" which his descendants still hold this title. In 1780 he was commissioned as Brigadier General of the Continental Army. He is considered a hero of the American Revolution for his bravery under battle. He rescued Count Pulaski from the British at the Battle of Savannah and moved him to the ship "Wasp" in Charleston Bay where he died three days later. He was considered a military genius for his military strategy and taking small forces to overcome larger ones. He was an Indian fighter. He represented Georgia in 1798 at the Georgia Constitutional Convention. He was a financier and held large estates in Georgia. His father was Col. William Glascock, Acting Governor of Georgia during the Revolution and distinguished military officer. He had two sons who became generals in the US Army. One was Brigadier General Thomas Glascock Jr. who served in the War of 1812 and was also a US Congressman and Georgia Speaker of the House. The other was Major General John Sallard Glascock of the South Carolina militia and also a Georgia state senator and representative.
George Washington Glasscock business partner of Abraham Lincoln
George Washington Glasscock (
April 11 1810-
February 28 1868) was an early settler, legislator, and businessman in
Texas. He was born in
Hardin County, Kentucky. In
1830 he went to
St. Louis and from there to
Springfield, Illinois, where in
1832 he was a partner of
Abraham Lincoln in flatboating on the
Sangamon River. He also fought in the
Black Hawk War in
Illinois. In September 1835 he moved to Texas and settled first at
Zavala, where he was in business with Thomas B. Huling and
Henry W. Millard. Glasscock was with James Chesshire's company in the
Siege of Béxar In
1840 he moved to
Bastrop County, Texas and four years later to
Travis County. In
1846 he moved yet again to the
Williamson County area, where Glasscock helped to organize the county and donated 172 acres (3.9 km²) for the county seat,
Georgetown, Texas, which was subsequently named for him. In 1853 he returned to Travis County. He represented Travis and Williamson counties in the
Tenth and
Eleventh Texas Legislatures and was one of the managers of the
State Lunatic Asylum during the gubernatorial administrations of
Sam Houston,
Edward Clark,
Francis R. Lubbock, and
Pendleton Murrah. During the
American Civil War, he served with the 33rd Texas Cavalry. As a result of his interest in
wheat growing, Glasscock built the first
flour mill in what was then western Texas. He continued to make his home in Austin until his death there on
28 February 1868. His son, George Washington Glasscock, Jr. was a
State Senator in the
Twentieth, and
Twenty-first Texas Legislatures Glasscock County and
Georgetown in Texas are both named in his honor.
William Glasscock
Governor of Georgia (Acting - American Revolution) and American military officer - Lieutenant and Colonel. Served in the French and Indian War as a Lieutenant. Known as the "Rebel Counselor." Regarded as a famous Georgia hero of the Revolutionary War. He was acting Governor of Georgia during the American Revolution. Helped to establish the state of Georgia. Host to President George Washington on May 18, 1791 at his Glascock plantation home, 4 miles south of Augusta, Georgia. Father of Brigadier General Thomas Glascock Sr. and grandfather of Brigadier General Thomas Glascock Jr. Both famous officers and US Congressman.
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe (January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849) was an American writer, poet,
editor and
literary critic, considered part of the American
Romantic Movement. Best known for his tales of
mystery and the
macabre, Poe was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story and is considered the inventor of the
detective-fiction genre. He is further credited with contributing to the emerging genre of
science fiction.
[1] He was the first well-known American writer to try to earn a living through writing alone, resulting in a financially difficult life and career.
He was born as Edgar Poe in
Massachusetts; he was orphaned young when his mother died shortly after his father abandoned the family. Poe was taken in by John and Frances Allan, of
Virginia, but they never formally adopted him. He attended the
University of Virginia for one semester but left due to lack of money. After enlisting in the Army and later failing as an officer's cadet at
West Point, Poe parted ways with the Allans. His publishing career began humbly, with an anonymous collection of poems,
Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827), credited only to "a Bostonian".
Poe switched his focus to prose and spent the next several years working for literary journals and periodicals, becoming known for his own style of literary criticism. His work forced him to move between several cities, including
Philadelphia, and New York City. In Baltimore in 1835, he married
Virginia Clemm, his 13-year-old cousin. In January 1845, Poe published his poem "
The Raven" to instant success. His wife died of
tuberculosis two years later. He began planning to produce his own journal, The Penn (later renamed
The Stylus), though he died before it could be produced. On October 7, 1849, at age 40, Poe died in Baltimore; the cause of his death is unknown and has been variously attributed to alcohol, brain congestion,
cholera, drugs,
heart disease,
rabies, suicide, tuberculosis, and other agents.
Poe and his works influenced literature in the United States and around the world, as well as in specialized fields, such as
cosmology and
cryptography. Poe and his work appear throughout popular culture in literature, music, films, and television. A number of his homes are dedicated museums today.
Edgar is related to Fielding Glasscock.
George Washington Cousin to Glasscocks
Capt. William Glascock (son of
Col. George Glascock and
Millicent Million Downman) was born 1704 in Richmond County, Virginia, and died 05 February 1784 in Richmond County, Virginia. He married
Esther Ball on 10 April 1728 in Lancaster County, Virginia, daughter of
Capt. Richard Ball and
Sarah Young. Notes for Capt. William Glascock:From Martha C. Mordecai From The Glas(s)cock - Glassco Saga: "Capt. William and his brotherMajor George proceeded to build up their estates to acquire aprominent position in the society of the day.On April 13, 1726 Maj. George Glascock married Judith Ball, daughterof his neighbor Col. William Ball, and two years later his brotherCapt. William Glascock married her cousin Esther Ball, daughter ofCapt. Richard Ball of St. Mary's Chapel. The girls were 1st cousins.Their fathers were 1st cousins of Mary Ball who married AugustineWashington, the parents of Geo. Washington, so they were both 2nd cousins of George Washington."Virginia Genealogies, by Rev. Horace Hayden, page 63: Esther Ball married Capt. Wm. Glasscock on May 10, 1728 and had 5 sons & 6 daughters.Pg. 47: President George Washington's mother, Mary Ball Washington, is listed as grand daughter of Col. William Ball.Early Va. marriages 929.3 C Lancaster Co. page 50: lists April 10,1728 (Capt.) Wm. Glasscock of Richmond Co. & Esther, dau of SarahBall.Apparently Capt. William and Esther lived in the house at "IndianBanks" after their marriage in 1728, but both he and Maj. George wereassociated with the area from then on and the Farnham Parish recordscontain many births, marriages & deaths of their descendants forseveral generations. From these two men descended many prominentVirginia Glascocks.In 1730 Capt. William was appointed as Commission of Peace forRichmond Co.More About Capt. William Glascock and Esther Ball:Marriage: 10 April 1728, Lancaster County, Virginia.Children of Capt. William Glascock and Esther Ball are:
Dr. George Glascock, b. 20 December 1743, Indian Banks, Virginia, d. 18 October 1787, Cross Hill, Moore County, North Carolina.
George Washington--Cousin to Glasscocks
On April 30, 1789, George Washington, standing on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York, took his oath of office as the first President of the United States. "As the first of every thing, in our situation will serve to establish a Precedent," he wrote James Madison, "it is devoutly wished on my part, that these precedents may be fixed on true principles."
Born in 1732 into a Virginia planter family, he learned the morals, manners, and body of knowledge requisite for an 18th century Virginia gentleman.
He pursued two intertwined interests: military arts and western expansion. At 16 he helped survey Shenandoah lands for Thomas, Lord Fairfax. Commissioned a lieutenant colonel in 1754, he fought the first skirmishes of what grew into the French and Indian War. The next year, as an aide to Gen. Edward Braddock, he escaped injury although four bullets ripped his coat and two horses were shot from under him.
From 1759 to the outbreak of the American Revolution, Washington managed his lands around Mount Vernon and served in the Virginia House of Burgesses. Married to a widow, Martha Dandridge Custis, he devoted himself to a busy and happy life. But like his fellow planters, Washington felt himself exploited by British merchants and hampered by British regulations. As the quarrel with the mother country grew acute, he moderately but firmly voiced his resistance to the restrictions.
When the Second Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia in May 1775, Washington, one of the Virginia delegates, was elected Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. On July 3, 1775, at Cambridge, Massachusetts, he took command of his ill-trained troops and embarked upon a war that was to last six grueling years.
He realized early that the best strategy was to harass the British. He reported to Congress, "we should on all Occasions avoid a general Action, or put anything to the Risque, unless compelled by a necessity, into which we ought never to be drawn." Ensuing battles saw him fall back slowly, then strike unexpectedly. Finally in 1781 with the aid of French allies--he forced the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown.
Washington longed to retire to his fields at Mount Vernon. But he soon realized that the Nation under its Articles of Confederation was not functioning well, so he became a prime mover in the steps leading to the Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia in 1787. When the new Constitution was ratified, the Electoral College unanimously elected Washington President.
He did not infringe upon the policy making powers that he felt the Constitution gave Congress. But the determination of foreign policy became preponderantly a Presidential concern. When the French Revolution led to a major war between France and England, Washington refused to accept entirely the recommendations of either his Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, who was pro-French, or his Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, who was pro-British. Rather, he insisted upon a neutral course until the United States could grow stronger.
To his disappointment, two parties were developing by the end of his first term. Wearied of politics, feeling old, he retired at the end of his second. In his Farewell Address, he urged his countrymen to forswear excessive party spirit and geographical distinctions. In foreign affairs, he warned against long-term alliances.
Washington enjoyed less than three years of retirement at Mount Vernon, for he died of a throat infection December 14, 1799. For months the Nation mourned him.
Learn more about George Washington's spouse,
Martha Dandridge Custis Washington.
C. G. "Gus" Glasscock
Some 500 curious oilmen gathered at Bethlehem Steel's Beaumont, Texas shipyard last week for the christening of an odd contraption called "Mr. Gus." Built at a cost of $3,500,000, the rig is a monster (4,000 tons) barge for drilling oil wells in the deep water of the Gulf of Mexico. It can operate in 100 ft. of water (v. 40 ft. for most other rigs), will triple the area that can be explored on the continental shelf off Texas and Louisiana. Mr. Gus was bought by (and named for) C. G. ("Gus") Glasscock, 58. a onetime high-wire acrobat and wildcatter who now owns eight drilling barges for lease. The small fleet's new flagship is being towed to a point off San Luis Pass below Galveston to sink its first test well (in 40 ft. of water) for Shell Oil. which has a 16-month lease on the craft.
Mr. Gus is 106 ft. long and So ft. wide, with twin decks, which are joined by big, vertical steel tubes that are driven into the sea floor by hydraulic jacks. The upper deck rides 50 ft. above the water and supports the drill rig; the lower platform is flooded and slides down the tubes to squat on the bottom for better anchorage. To move to another site, the lower deck is pumped out and refloated, and the "legs" are pulled back up. The main barge is connected to another, slightly smaller service barge with engine rooms, crew's quarters, helicopter platform, etc.. by a narrow steel gangway. Thus, say oilmen, Mr. Gus should be even more seaworthy than Humble Oil's big, new. single-deck Delong-McDermott barge (TIME. June 21). Bethlehem figures if the offshore producing area that is believed to lie within the 100-ft. depths is to be fully drilled in the next 25 years. 100 more rigs like Mr. Gus will be needed.Read more:,9171,820452,00.html#ixzz1DDZaGxFn
Charles Gus Glasscock, Jr. is a 1938 Baylor graduate. He was an organizer and vice-president of the C.G. Glasscock Drilling Company and the Glasscock Tidelands Oil Company. He organized and served as president of Great Basins Petroleum Corporation. He also served as president and chairman of the board of Bell Western Corporation from 1969 to 1974 and as president of Compania Minera Bell Western of Honduras, Central America.
He has served as trustee to the University of Corpus Christi, Houston Baptist University and Baylor University. The Glasscock building, which houses Baylor's Institute of Environmental Studies, was dedicated and named after the Glasscocks.
"Mr. Gus II"
C. G. Glasscock Drilling Company offshore mobile oil drilling platform "Mr. Gus II," in federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana, Grand Isle Block 48.